Since drawcast has shut down it's servers, I have archived any work I could get a hold on (even if its cringe inducing).

This is only based on late 2014-2021. I had older stuff from an account under the name "Juniperbot0710", but it has been lost due to a hack to the account and eventually the account not existing due to some kind of glitch? I would really appreciate if there was any way to get any of it, but.. yeah. I had also beta tested the framecast app as it was beginning production, so I'd say I have had a long well-versed experience with both of these apps by Daniel Cota

Here is everything from drawcast/framecast i could get a hold of. hope it's interesting

RIP Drawcast, the thing beginning my creative career dreams

juniperbot0710/satisfiedskye, 2013-2021